Living Story Season 2

The patch for the second living story season gets released next week (2nd June 2014). As part of the changes, ALL living story “episodes” will have some permanent content that essentially extends the personal story of all characters on your account.

You’ll need to log in once each cycle (so once every 2 weeks) to unlock the new story missions on your account. Then the unlocked episode will be permanently available to any character you ever create.

ArenaNet: Introducing the Story Journal.

Big changes coming to GW2 in 15th April patch

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Hi everyone,

There’s a large feature pack being released on the 15th April, featuring major changes to:

  • Traits – trait points & how they’re earned is changing, trait unlocking is changing, new traits are being added.
  • Dyes – now account bound. Any dyes that you have on more than one character will get you a new unid’d dye for each duplicate as recompense.
  • An armor/weapons wardrobe system (which allows you amongst other things to create a legendary once and then have that for each character on your account).
  • Critical Damage system is being changed.
  • Changes to sigils, their activations & cooldowns, two handed weapons will be able to have 2 sigils.
  • Some changes to runes
  • Some changes to LFG & guild window.
  • Further as-yet undisclosed changes.

The page collating this information is on the GW2 site here, and they’ve been releasing information a bit at a time, so you may want to keep an eye on it over the next week.

Hilarious :)

Double casting! So I found out how to do this. Only works out of ocmbat, but great ambush scenarios spring to mind. 😛

LFG Tool: Will be released in stages

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New post on the Guild Wars 2 forums this weekend. The new LFG tool in GW2 due for release in this week’s update won’t be released in it’s entirety up-front. They’re going to release it in stages with some accounts getting it and some not while they make sure it’s stable (sort of like the Trading Post was re-released at the beginning of the game when it originally couldn’t handle the load).

Here’s the details from the forums:

Hey everyone,

With Tuesday’s release we are gearing up to launch the new Looking For Group tool for Guild Wars 2. As the system comes online, our primary focus is with the quality and the stability. To ensure a solid rollout, we’ll turn on the LFG tool in beta form to a subset of players. As the week goes on, we’ll periodically unlock the system to additional groups of players.

In Tuesday’s release notes, you’ll see the complete list of what the feature will do once we’ve fully unlocked the system. However, during the beta rollout not everyone will be able to use the LFG tool and the World vs. World subcategories will be disabled.

The Looking for Group feature has been highly requested and we’re excited to be this close to its final release, but quality is paramount. Therefore, we ask for your patience and understanding while we work through this phased beta rollout and with any problems we encounter.

Mike Zadorojny
& the Looking For Group team

Karma changes incoming

With today’s patch, ArenaNet made the following changes to karma consumables:

  • Karma consumables will no longer be affected by boosts (icecream, karma store boost, guild bonuses, ascended utility boosts).
  • Karma consumables will be increased by 50% above what they used to be worth.

This however meant that people who had been saving up their karma jugs to drink with boosts suddenly lost a ton of value (since they went from having a potential 95-107% boost down to a flat 50%).

ArenaNet have temporarily reverted this change because they had intended to notify players before implementing it, and had forgotten to.

You have until the content patch on the 3rd September to drink karma consumables with boosts, before the above changes will take effect. We do have a guild-karma-boost day planned for Sun 25th Aug, so do try to make that if you want to drink karma with boosts active. If you cannot make that, please let us know what times are possible for you (comment below, or talk with Melana/Lhi in-game is fine), so that we can plan an additional karma day to give everyone the chance to take advantage of it before it’s gone!


Super Adventure Box

I thought I’d put together a collections of links for the SA Box. If you have any more to add, send in a comment and I’ll update the post with them :).

Click more to see the video guides…

T6 Materials Farming

For people that are working on legendary weapons (or ascended back pieces, or any other item needing lots of T6 materials), there’s a useful discussion/guide on reddit today.

I’d add to the listed places the top of Southsun Cove between Point Lion and Point Pride in the water – skelk for bloods and fangs, turtles for blood and scales, barracuda and scorpion thingy (I can’t remember it’s name) for scales. And you can pop up onto the shore for Young Karka for bloods and karka shells (and an infinitesimal chance of a mini pet).