Guild Name Voting

This Poll is closed!!

Guild Name Selection

My apologies for the logic error that meant if someone had missed an option they could not then submit a vote for it later. I believe I've now corrected the problem. Missed options should now also be highlighted on the voting page to help you find them/cast your vote.
Voting information:
  • To vote, you need to be logged in.
  • Logged in users CAN add extra names to the list. This is now closed - no more names will be added.
  • Voting is set to close on Friday 17th Aug, 2012. If there is no clear winning choice at this time, we will have a further week before the GW2 headstart in which we can choose between the top few choices (3-10) from this poll.
If you're adding a name to the poll, please follow the GW2 naming rules:
  • Max 31 characters for the main name (note: I don't know if apostrophes can be used).
  • Tag is 2-4 characters, no numbers/spaces/special chars.
  • Please include BOTH name AND tag.

Vote Processing

At this stage, I'm thinking that the voting will be processed as follows:
  • 3 or more hates (or should that be 25% or more?) = name gone. Too many people actively dislike it.
  • For the remaining names, add the votes with the following points:
    • Love = 2 points
    • Like = 1 point
    • Ok/Don't care/don't like but would tolerate = 0 points
    • Hate = -2 points
  • Sort the preferences in order of highest total points.
  • Work out whether we need to do a "pick your favourite" out of the top few highest point totals after scoring.
If you disagree with this method of scoring, please comment and provide an alternative! I'd like to see people happy with what is eventually decided on - which means that we need to make sure that it's fair :). The voting is still open, so if you want to change/update your votes based on the scoring above please feel free to do so.
Ok - there seems to have been a lot of confusion about the yellow choice. It was never intended to be a "don't count my vote" choice, but to be one where while you don't personally support the name (i.e. you don't "like" it) you could live with it if it was chosen. Hate was the "ugh, can't stand it, don't want to be in a guild named this at all". I'm sorry that the wording wasn't clear initially. Please don't advise people to turn names that they could live with into full hates, because I will be treating those votes as names that people CAN'T live with. Hence why if 1/4 of the guild hate it, it's considered inappropriate to use, and why it had such a strong penalty attached to it for less than 1/4 of the guild.
 I love it  I like it  It's ok/don't care/don't really like but I could live with it  I hate it  No vote

Total voters: 12

Realm Of Chaos [ROC]

  50%    8%    8%    33%      

AUS Serenity [AUS]

  41%    16%    25%    16%      

Ctrl Alt Elite [DEL]

  41%        25%    33%      

Knights Of Tyria [KNOT]

  37%    25%    37%          

Descendants Of Ascalon [DOA]

  36%    9%    9%    27%    18%  

Order Of Peaceful Serenity [OOPS]

  33%    16%    16%    33%      

Crimson legion [DAWN]

  33%    8%    25%    33%      

Dragonbane [BANE]

  28%    14%    14%    42%      

Tempest of Tyria [ToT]

  28%        28%    42%      

Wings of Lyssa [WL]

  28%        28%    42%      

Vanguard of Wisdom [VOW]

  27%    18%    9%    36%    9%  

Brotherhood of Orderly Knights [BOOK]

  27%        18%    45%    9%  

Knights Of Ascalon [KOA]

  25%    25%    25%    25%      

Order Of Peace and Serenity [OOPS]

  25%    25%    16%    33%      

Rebirth of Fallen Legions [ROFL]

  25%    16%    41%    16%      

Order of Perfect Serenity [OOPS]

  25%    16%    33%    25%      

I Blame Mesmers [IBM]

  25%    16%    8%    50%      

Avatars of Extermination [AOE]

  25%    12%    25%    37%      

Heroes Of Past Exploration [HOPE]

  25%    12%    12%    50%      

Protectors of Tyria [POT]

  25%    12%    12%    50%      

Paragons of Virtue [POV]

  18%    27%    9%    36%    9%  

Tyrian Dragon Resistance [RES]

  18%    18%    27%    27%    9%  

Thieves Do It From Behind [STAB]

  16%    41%    8%    33%      

Flame seekers [FIRE]

  16%    25%    25%    33%      

Vigil Of the Warrior [VOW]

  16%    16%    41%    25%      

Attack of the munchies [NOMS]

  16%    16%    25%    41%      

Defenders of the pantry [NOMS]

  16%    16%    25%    41%      

Alchemy [BREW]

  16%    16%    16%    50%      

Ninjas Are Among You [SPY]

  16%    16%    8%    50%    8%  

Illuminati [LUX]

  16%    8%    33%    41%      

The Celestial Legion [TCL]

  16%    8%    33%    41%      

Infernal Kaos [KAOS]

  16%    8%    33%    41%      

National Dyslexic's Association [DNA]

  16%    8%    8%    66%      

Ice bank mice [ELF]

(have to say that one out loud)
  16%    8%    8%    58%    8%  

The Spanish Inquisition [BOO]

  16%        33%    50%      

The Tyrian Legacy [TTL]

  14%    28%    42%    14%      

The Shining Blade [SB]

  14%    28%    28%    28%      

Zaishen Vanguard [ZV]

  14%    14%    71%          

Radiance [RAD]

  14%    14%    42%    28%      

The Nolani Academy [NA]

  14%    14%    14%    57%      

Knights Of Tyria [KOT]

  12%    50%    37%          

Tyrian Resistance Alliance [TRA]

  12%    25%    37%    12%    12%  

Avatars of Exploration [AOE]

  12%    12%    50%    25%      

The Guild with No Name [NAME]

  12%        12%    75%      

Order of Peerless Skirmishers [OOPS]

  9%    18%    18%    45%    9%  

Vow of Wisdom [VOW]

  9%    9%    45%    27%    9%  

Regiment of Favoured Legions [ROFL]

  9%    9%    27%    45%    9%  

Sanity Not Required [SNR]

  8%    50%    8%    33%      

The Cake Is A [LIE]

  8%    25%    33%    33%      

Divinity Mafia [MOB]

  8%    25%    33%    33%      

Ninjas Do It With The Pointy [End]

  8%    25%    25%    41%      

Fellowship of the [PING]

  8%    25%    25%    41%      

There Is No RL Only [AFK]

  8%    25%    25%    41%      

The knights who say [NI]

  8%    25%    16%    50%      

Bandit Ambushers [TRAP]

  8%    25%    16%    50%      

Luminous [LUX]

  8%    16%    50%    25%      

Vengeance at Dawn [SUN]

  8%    16%    33%    41%      

Eternity [ERA]

  8%    16%    33%    41%      

The Shadow Guard [TSG]

  8%    16%    25%    50%      

Battle Rage [RAGE]

  8%    16%    25%    50%      

With Sharp Pointy Teeth [BUNY]

  8%    16%    16%    58%      

Agro Magnets [OOPS]

  8%    8%    50%    33%      

Clothing Optional [NUDE]

  8%    8%    33%    50%      

Team Redundancy [TEAM]

  8%    8%    33%    50%      

The Spanish Inquisition [BURN]

  8%    8%    33%    50%      

Aurora [AU]

  8%    8%    33%    50%      

Rest In Pieces [RIP]

  8%    8%    33%    50%      

Generally Roaming In Madness [GRIM]

  8%    8%    25%    58%      

The Machine that Goes [PING]

  8%    8%    25%    50%    8%  

Steaks On a Plain [MOO]

  8%    8%    16%    66%      

Eldritch [WYRD]

  8%    8%    16%    66%      

Bags Full [WOOT]

  8%    8%    16%    66%      

Guild Cheese Sandwich [NOMS]

  8%    8%        83%      

Cliffside Dodgers [OOPS]

  8%        58%    33%      

Right About Whatโ€™s Raunchy [RAWR]

  8%        41%    50%      

Midnight [NITE]

  8%        41%    50%      

Trans Digital Freon Converter [ICE]

  8%        25%    66%      

Would You Date My Avatar [TOON]

  8%            91%      

Heroes Adventuring After Hours [HAAH]

      33%    25%    41%      

Order of Protective Soldiers [OOPS]

      27%    9%    54%    9%  

We bring the night [DUSK]

      25%    41%    33%      

Pirates [ARRR]

      25%    33%    41%      

Implements of death [TOOL]

      25%    16%    58%      

Rebirth Of Fallen Lemmings [ROFL]

      25%    16%    58%      

The Wild Hunt [HUNT]

      25%    16%    58%      

Requires Shotgun Wedding [OOPS]

      25%    8%    66%      

You Are Not Repaired [NUDE]

      25%        75%      

Anti Dragon Alliance [ADA]

      18%    45%    27%    9%  

Regiment of Champions [ROC]

      18%    36%    36%    9%  

Dragon Exterminators [DE]

      18%    36%    36%    9%  

Dragon Extermination Squad [DES]

      18%    36%    36%    9%  

Regiment of Cavaliers [ROC]

      18%    27%    45%    9%  

Cool Runnings [ICE]

      16%    58%    25%      

Aussie Serenity [AuS]

      16%    41%    41%      

Eternity [EON]

      16%    41%    41%      

Adventuring Heroes [AH]

      16%    41%    41%      

Forsaken Not Stirred [ROKS]

      16%    41%    41%      

Self Impaled [OOPS]

      16%    41%    41%      

Inferno [FIRE]

      16%    41%    41%      

I Burn Monsters [IBM]

      16%    41%    33%    8%  

The Syndicate [SYN]

      16%    33%    50%      

Chromatic Order [CO]

      16%    33%    50%      

Rapture [RAP]

      16%    33%    50%      

Wolf Pack [WOLF]

      16%    33%    50%      

Generals Rampaging In Madness [GRIM]

      16%    33%    50%      

Time wardens [EON]

      16%    33%    41%    8%  

Serenity [EVE]

      16%    25%    58%      

The Wild Hunt [WILD]

      16%    25%    58%      

Friend or [FOE]

      16%    16%    66%      

Afternoon [TEA]

      16%    16%    66%      

Blue Screen Of Death [BSOD]

      16%    8%    75%      

Ctrl Alt [DEL]

      9%    36%    45%    9%  

Guardians of Order [GOO]

      9%    36%    45%    9%  

Serenity [CALM]

      8%    50%    41%      

With Sharp Pointy Teeth [FANG]

      8%    50%    41%      

Oz Serenity [OS]

      8%    41%    50%      

Lacking Adventuring Companions [LFG]

      8%    41%    50%      

It's a [TRAP]

      8%    41%    50%      

Asuran Creation Experiment [ACE]

      8%    41%    50%      

Broken Armour [MOON]

      8%    33%    58%      

Hexed [HEX]

      8%    33%    58%      

Doing it myself [SOLO]

      8%    33%    58%      

Vengeance by Spatula [FLIP]

      8%    33%    58%      

Relaxed [CREW]

      8%    33%    58%      

Assimilation Optional [AO]

      8%    33%    58%      

Who Let The Dogs Out [WOOF]

      8%    33%    58%      

KamaSutra [KAMA]

      8%    25%    66%      

No [WAY]

      8%    25%    66%      

Pigs can [FLY]

      8%    25%    66%      

Genetically Engineered Life Forms [GELF]

      8%    25%    66%      

League of Legends [LoL]

      8%    16%    75%      

Our Armor Fell [OFF]

      8%    16%    75%      

Battle Urge Gets Rewards [BUGR]

      8%    16%    75%      

Fundamentally Fenutenated [FF]

      8%    16%    75%      

Fear the [DARK]

          66%    33%      

Water Elemental Time [WET]

          58%    41%      

Bring It On [BIO]

          58%    41%      

Serenity [COOL]

          58%    41%      

We Go To [WAR]

          50%    50%      

Far Horizons [FAR]

          50%    50%      

Magical Alliance Gathering Enhancement [MAGE]

          50%    50%      

Call to [ARMS]

          33%    66%      

Caught Under The Elf [CUTE]

          33%    66%      

Poison [IVY]

          33%    58%    8%  

Forest Rangers [PAN]

          25%    75%      

Ascending Mount Olympus [AMO]

          25%    75%      

Guild [WARS]

          16%    83%      

Woeful Wasters of Weaklings [WWW]

          16%    83%      

Come Get Some [DUKE]

          16%    83%      

Predation [PRED]

          16%    75%    8%  

12 Responses

  1. Lhi says:

    Suggestion… I would like Ctrl Alt [DEL] better than having the word elite in there. To me the word elite makes it sound quite smug… what do others think?

  2. timmah says:

    OK, this is getting a little harsh. We may need to increase the allowed number of hates to 4. If we dont were going to end up with a very “meh” name casue when im looking at this, there are only 3 names allowed and none of them have more than one point. Call me boring if you must but I dont want to be GOO ๐Ÿ™

    • Melana says:

      Lol, yes, we’re down to almost nothing now, and I must admit that I’m surprised that GOO hasn’t been voted out too.

      But I guess the other question is, if people don’t like the names currently proposed to the point where they don’t want any of them, how about proposing ones that they WOULD like?

      Everyone HAS the ability to add names to the poll.

    • Lhi says:

      Perhaps instead of changing the voting people need to bring it upon themselves to make a vote that counts. Decide if you like something or not and give it a vote with value. It is very easy to tick the yellow column but at the end of the day it isn’t a decision. I want to thank Janeene for all the hard work she has put into creating this site and build queue planning. It is amazing the number of times we speak about the guild throughout the day, she is always planning or thinking about something. In that spirit we all need to pool together and find a name that we all like! All of the names I have suggested are voted out now, so if you don’t like mine, or anyone elses post some of your own guys,,, We have to be able to live with the result, and fyi i don’t like goo either lol!

      • Melana says:

        I’m not bothered by people saying “I don’t support this name, but I won’t knock it out if other people like it”. But if you really don’t want to use any of the names at all, please do propose alternatives that you can live with.

  3. Lhi says:

    Oops i forgot to post the tag…. Tyrian Resistance Alliance [TRA]

  4. Crackthull says:

    Hi All, it seems that we are getting down to the wire on choosing the Guild Name, so what I’ve done and suggest that other people do to is to go through and revise what they have voted as “It’s ok/don’t care/don’t really like but I could live with it” to either a “like” or “hate” so that it can be narrowed down to a few finalists and hopefully we will find a name that everyone will be happy with.

  5. timmah says:

    OK, so now we have a choice of AUS serenity, Reborth of Fallen Leigon and Knights of Tyria. All awesome names!!!
    I say we take these three and set a vote before someone bans them all.

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